Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What does it exactly mean by small, medium, large?

On Petfinder there are small,medium, and large cats and I was just wondering if that means how big the cat is currently or how big it will turn out to be when older. Thanks

What does it exactly mean by small, medium, large?
It means how big it will turn when it is full grown. A small cat would be 5-6 pounds and under. Medium would be 6-10, large could mean 10-15 or sometimes just 15+. Most cats are medium sized.
Reply:My "Pete" averages 16lbs where my "Ralph"

usually averages 25lbs. When Ralph became

so big I was concerned. The vet told me it

wasn't a surprise to him because his head and

chest were so big. He was large; and Pete was

Reply:Depending on the age of the cat. If it's a kitten they are predicting how big they will be when fully grown. If it's an adult cat, it's telling it's current size.
Reply:How big they will be full grown. Small is a little bigger than kitten, medium is about average and large are those big cats about the size of a teenage cocker spaniel

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