Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What color should I paint the bedroom with a blue and brown comforter. THe carpet is medium gray?

comforter is a combination of light blue, medium blue and chocolate brown; the carpeting is a medium gray.

What color should I paint the bedroom with a blue and brown comforter. THe carpet is medium gray?
Depends on your own preferences!
Reply:tan or a pale yellow would work
Reply:Ok...so the blue hue is carried through the carpet...

My own choice? Being an artist, I would say a complimentary color...some hue of orange would blend well.

Orange is the complimentary color of blue, and when mixed with blue, does create brown...so consider a nice orange tone on the walls.
Reply:well, since the carpet is more permanent than the comforter, i would go with a light-medium grey with a hint of blue undertone
Reply:a good combination of color is not more than 3 colors which w'd make ppl feel funny.a good bedroom color should be in light with some contrast which depends on ur taste.ur comforter should be in light blue n medium brown.ur carpet is dark grey.is it ok?
Reply:light blue with a little darkness in it
Reply:How about the top half a blue color and then the bottom a brown color!
Reply:I dont understand why you are painting a room based upon a comforter. I'd keep a neutral color, perhaps antique white, or seafoam green.
Reply:cream, off-white, very light silver/gray tinted, very, very pale blue.
Reply:white or black
Reply:I personally would like a pale blue room. But it really depends one what you like.
Reply:light or medium blue walls.

dk brown woods

silvery-grey accents and metal tones
Reply:a very light blue like a touch of .Nothing to bright should feel relaxing not cold.
Reply:you could try cream n light grey.or cream n lite brown,either one should look nice
Reply:Get a muddy blue wallpaper. Or perhaps if you want to be bold, I'd say go with orange or purple. Orangle, brown, and blue are contrasting colors.
Reply:Do the walls in light blue and the base boards in dove gray. Bring out the brown with accent pillows.
Reply:light blue
Reply:lol get rid of the carpet! lol just kidding try a medium blue for instance baby eeyore color (not big eeyore cause hes greyish)
Reply:Might I suggest a taupe color... inbetween a brown and a grey. It's a light color, and will go nice with the comforter and the carpeting. Try getting a brown sheet set as well to accent the darker color in the comforter. Oddly enough, I just bought a blue %26amp; brown comforter set this weekend... GOOD LUCK and pleasant dreams!
Reply:I'm no expert but think about this...one day you will likely change the comforter and you don't want to paint the walls to match your bed every other month! Think of something neutral but still vibrant and something that shows your personality and taste. Like maybe a matte coffee-like color which is warm and not offensive to the eyes....and it will match your bedding and the carpet.
Reply:slate blue/light

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