Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How do I make medium - tight ringlets stay in place all night?

I have long hair just above my waist which seems to dislike staying in curls. I have 4 hours to get this style right and the look I want to achive is medium - tight ringlets. I have a very important date (BF %26lt;3) which is kind of a big deal to me right now and I'm going to be out all night (movie, dinner then drinking) any tips or advice? My tool is a curling iron and i have mousses, hairsprays, etc.

How do I make medium - tight ringlets stay in place all night?
you don't want to use too much mouse because it will weigh your hair down even more. You need to use mouse or gel, and then a super super helmet head kind of hairspray. My guess is though, that as the night goes on and you have along hair, your hair will be weighed down. If you get a perm, then you don't have to worry about it - with that hair, though, the rollers will be beastly heavy. I think you should be satisifed with your hair in tossled waves. You should be looking for that kind of look instead.

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