Saturday, November 14, 2009

Blondes, what type of dye is good for dying light brunette hair to medium blonde?

Ok I've tried numerous dyes and they all just make my hair a squidge lighter, not the drastic change I am looking for. I would love to dye my hair from my light brown shade to medium blonde without bleaching it or doing anything funky like that. Any advice on what brand or type of dye would work well on my hair?

Blondes, what type of dye is good for dying light brunette hair to medium blonde?
Loreal Excellence or Loreal Preference
Reply:sunsilk has this foam stuff that will lighten your hair over two weeks, if you cant find any of it, why not go to a hair dresser and ask for streaks, as you have brown hair and if you put a few streaks in your hair it will lighten it, without having to bleach your whole head they only take a small amount of hair in each streak.
Reply:That's because you need to BLEACH to get your hair any type of blonde. You can't just get a blonde dye and put it on your hair an wait for it to turn blonde, it doesn't work that way. Blonde hair dye doesn't lighten hair like other dyes.

adult teeth

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